Why do sheet metal chassis cabinets use cool color to move

by:TNE     2021-04-14
With the development of social economy, sheet metal chassis cabinets and following the steps in the development. For the sheet metal chassis cabinets, whether it is in foreign or domestic basically is to use cool color to move. Why sheet metal chassis cabinets to use cool color to move, do not use warm color to move? Reason is on the spectrum, because of the cool color such as black, white, gray of ultraviolet (uv) will be less, to remain on the surface of the sheet metal chassis cabinets paint maximum life span. Cool color can make the operator to stay awake, the warm color to move when the operator nervous. Choose cool color to move also can make the internal circuit slightly more clearly.
sheet metal chassis cabinets and other chassis cabinets products, it is tonal choose relates to the overall aesthetic and quality problems.
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