What is a 16 fold profiles cabinets

by:TNE     2020-10-27
; 16 fold profiles cabinets to denote by bending times 16 times named rack column beam structure; Popular is the cabinet of the bearing structure using bending 16 times, shaped.

16 fold profiles cabinets stress structure
16 fold profile structure stress of the cabinet and ordinary cabinets are through the column and beam bearing; The difference is different because the forging process; 16 fold the profile of the column and beam by bending 16 times, even with the thickness of the same material, the folding of 16 rack area profiles of more than ninety percent, the corresponding bearing effect is better.
16 fold profile cabinet quality light
the same size and shape bearing requirements under the premise of 16 fold profile cabinet quality lighter; This is easy to understand, because 16 fold section stress structure determines the cabinet, as important material of column and beam, the folding rack of 16 bearing is better; So to achieve the same bearing, 16 folding rack cabinet lighter than ordinary cabinets and ninety percent profile.
16 fold profiles cabinets production process
production process first to consider this process involves the patent problem, 16 fold profile corresponding production process there are many kinds of cabinets, known the basic existing is different corresponding patent products manufacturer; If the production 16 folding rack, must be familiar with the corresponding patent first, prevent the patent infringement.
second, outside to avoid patent production technology, to consider whether can achieve the requirement of the bearing force. So 16 fold profile cabinet is simple fold 16 times can, colleagues also hard; Difficult in whether there is a reasonable structure and the design of the production process of production; It needs to have deep knowledge of structural mechanics. Have high demands on production equipment.
whether you need to select 16 fold profiles rack?
the need to see specific requirements, if use daily placed ordinary switches and other network equipment, general network cabinets and server rack is ok; Bearing a little bit heavy, can consider ninety percent profiles rack; High requirement to the bearing, high requirement to the overall performance, suggested that choose 16 fold profiles cabinets.
need huge investment, so it is important to shop with caution.
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