The requirements of the cabinet to install air conditioning

by:TNE     2020-12-09
Cabinet air conditioner is mainly used to give inside the cabinet to heat dissipation, to some extent protect the cabinet internal devices, so for cabinet air-conditioning need what technical requirements?
a, cabinets under the harsh environment, will have the corresponding equipment to deal with the bad environment, such as in cold environment, the cabinet air conditioning will need to have heat insulation system.
2, cabinet air conditioning requirements to waterproof, waterproof because it is very important, if the cabinet air conditioning is not waterproof, cause circuit problem, or the cabinet internal devices exist hidden danger, then the cabinet air conditioning is not desirable.
3, rack installation of air conditioning, in addition to the above two points in the center of the data is also important is to walk the line, the layout of the cable problem, reasonable layout, get the line whether air conditioning or cabinets and internal facilities, are very important, and the reasonable line can be very good some troubleshooting problems, not to lose work time.
no matter which manufacturer, which kinds of products, quality is the customer priority, cabinet placed within product density increased, good bearing capacity, is a basic requirement for a qualified cabinet products.
the quality of the cabinet for cabinet air conditioner is a decisive factor, if the cabinet quality problems, then the normal operation of air conditioning cabinet will appear some problems, not effectively protected equipment within the cabinet, or even more serious enough to affect the whole system.
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