The composition of shielding cabinets and USES

by:TNE     2021-03-23
Shielding cabinets to ensure equipment information is very important, the cabinet of the main structure is:
shielding shell: cold-rolled steel plate welded into a whole airtight enclosure, after galvanizing and painting materials.
shielding door: high-quality materials production and processing meticulously shielding reed, cold rolled steel plate welded into a shielding door of door leaf.
filter: the power filter has wider stop band and high insertion loss. The working principle of
shielded cabinet
when the two sides of the incident electromagnetic wave to the metal plate for air, part of the energy is reflected, namely reflection loss; In the process of transmission wave spread in the metal plate to be absorbed by the attenuation of part of the said loss; When is reflected back to the first on the second interface reflection will occur again, so cycle, until all the energy attenuation and transmission.
permanent joint of the shield will generally refers to the welding method two metal plates together, this permanent joint almost equal with the rf impedance of the metal itself. Filter conducted interference is spread by metal conductors such as wires or any metal structure, into the shielding chamber ( Ark) All metal must be within the filter, digital filter is centralized or distributed circuit components ( Such as resistance, inductance, capacitance, or their equivalent, or a combination of various components) Network, the network for some smaller frequency or dc impedance, and other frequency channel blocking or short circuit.
shielding note
1, the cabinet shielded cabinet must be reliable grounding, can guarantee the stability of the power supply and tracks.
2, power filter input before the leakage protection switch ( Leakage protection switch can be installed in the shielding indoor distribution box, or use the filter input and power leakage protection switch between installing isolation transformer to solve leakage switch tripping caused by leakage current, or power supply filter can be installed before the input fuse and of the air leakage protection switch.
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