The classification of the server rack

by:TNE     2020-09-06
The classification of the server rack from which a few respects commonly classified? Market operations, the server is a commodity, and commodities have quality high and low, companies, of course, want to use the appropriate price to buy a high grade product. Companies usually prefer big famous manufacturers of products, this understandable; But for the server, the brand is on the one hand, and the product quality and performance is more important on the other hand.
at present, with the server rack technology matures, the server cabinet is divided into different grades, low-grade server rack, midrange server rack and high-end server rack. At the same time according to different application environment can be divided into the blade server cabinets, tower server rack, rack mount server rack, the three server rack has has its own performance characteristics.
in the first place, blade server rack is more popular in recent years a server rack, it USES the high density server architecture form, is designed for high density computing environment.
second, tower server rack like we normally use desktop, but this type of server cabinet usually take up the space is larger, and the performance is in general, this often popular with small business server rack.
in the end, rack-mountable server rack is usually dense deployment requirements for enterprises, and using the 19 inch rack as the standard, place the server to the rack, this type of server rack not only convenient for the daily maintenance and management but also decrease the chance of accidental failures.
server rack as a carrier of IT equipment, provides the normal work of the electronic equipment that meet the needs of the environment and safety protection, the structure of the cabinet should have good rigidity and strength, and the electromagnetic separation performance, noise isolation, grounding, ventilation and cooling, moreover also has anti vibration, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, waterproof and dustproof, radiation protection, and other functions, to ensure the stable operation of IT equipment.
server rack is designed for a cabinet made for the server. Its performance is based on its own server performance characteristics. Server rack server umbrella, no matter in what environment, as long as the server in the server rack, servers don't have to worry about the external environment will pose a big threat to it. The server can safe working in the server rack.
different classification application server rack in different environments, as well as enterprise size, enterprise financial conditions, need cabinets are also different, different size of cabinet, plate parameters different also determines the price of the cabinet, change the cabinet industry, just meet the requirement of the market.
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