The classification of the cabinet

by:TNE     2020-11-30
The classification of the cabinet, with the development of computer and network technology, cabinet is becoming an important part of it. Data center server, network communication equipment and other IT facilities, is toward miniaturization, networked, frame in the direction of development. The cabinet, is becoming one of the leading role of this change.
common cabinet can be divided into several kinds: according to the feature points: fire magnetically cabinets, power cabinets, control cabinets, shielding cabinets, security cabinets, waterproof, multimedia console cabinets, safe, filing cabinets, wall hanging cabinets according to the scope of application: outdoor cabinet, indoor cabinet, communications cabinets, industrial safety cabinet, low-voltage distribution cabinets, power cabinets, server cabinets extension classification: console, computer chassis cabinets, stainless steel case, monitoring work station, tool cabinets, standard cabinets, network cabinets.
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