The basic requirement of cabinet design

by:TNE     2020-11-23
The shape of the cabinet size and mounting dimensions and rack and rack requirements:
the cabinet dimension, assembly dimension in the absence of special requirements must conform to the relevant content in the standard 9 or 10.
according to the ETS, 119-300 2 - 94、ETS 300 119- 2 - The provisions of the 94 rack and rack, rack can be infinitely close to the two flank, but can't close.
in accordance with the GR - 63 - 核心- - - - - - 2002 the provisions of the cabinet and axle, cabinets on both sides of the clearance of not less than 2 mm; Cabinet and axle.
the stiffness, strength and weight of the cabinet
stiffness is refers to the cabinet cabinet can't because of the external force and deformation, stiffness of the rack is refers to the cabinet cannot damage due to external force; The weight of the cabinet in theory is the lighter the better, at the same time pay attention to the cabinet's center of gravity position when making up, full requirements in front and back, left and right direction as far as possible in the middle and lower down as far as possible in the upper and lower direction.
the factory request for line
to the user's easy to use and other reasons, the cabinet go line way generally fall into line and down line; Cabinet of two linear way under the meet the requirements of emc performance, are required to order, to help secure, convenient maintenance, and try to make all cable must not visible.
three cabinets cabinets we are production factory, can according to drawings, may request your we tailor-made to help you design and processing, quality assurance, the price is cheap. May offer at any time, the national advisory telephone:.

information: the server cabinet sheet metal chassis cabinets aluminum cabinet
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