Summer solstice cabinet air conditioning walked into the room

by:TNE     2021-04-06
As the summer solstice cabinet air conditioning walked into the room.
cabinet air conditioner service object is electrical, electronic or mechanical components, rather than people, and can set too high, so the set temperature at 30 ℃ ~ 45 ℃, generally the default temperature of 35 ℃, and electrical components for wind speed, no noise, actually bigger air flow can reduce electrical components contained in the local heat island phenomenon, help to heat dissipation of electrical components. In addition in addition to the outdoor cabinet, for the most part other cabinet installed in indoor, and part of the production environment is more complex, there are high temperature, high humidity, dust, or even oil or corrosive gases such as extreme circumstances exist. Especially in high temperature, high dust phenomenon, relatively common.
three cabinet air conditioning working environment temperature is usually higher than 42 ℃, the highest 70 ~ 80 ℃, and to meet the requirements of the following grades: such as a continuous 24 hours work, more solid than the civilian products, a wider range of voltage requirements, etc. , it also requires the cabinet air conditioner must be able to satisfy the needs of used in the complex environment reliability.
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