Shielding cabinets functional features

by:TNE     2021-03-29
Cabinet can be divided into many, in addition to network cabinets, server cabinets, shielding cabinets is also one of them, shielded cabinet function features cannot be ignored, the development of information industry, the performance requirements of the cabinet are points of more and more detailed, ordinary cabinets when unable to accommodate the growing room, so the new product will also arises at the historic moment.
shielding cabinets appear its purpose is to make electronic devices or components produced by the electromagnetic interference will be limited to a certain area or protect electromagnetic sensitive equipment from external electromagnetic interference.
cabinets play an important role on protection, basic classification of the block can be divided into:
ark of electrostatic shielding, main is to prevent electrostatic coupling interference, refers to the electrostatic field shielding. Among them main anti-static protection is on the rack, can use anti-static better cabinet.
ark of electromagnetic shielding, the main is to prevent a high electromagnetic interference, when the distance is used to suppress noise and sensitive equipment through the electromagnetic field coupling interference. The electromagnetic energy is greatly attenuation, so as to achieve the goal of shielding.
shielded cabinet above the engine protection engineering plays an important role, not only a good shielding cabinets can be very reasonable loading IT equipment, also can protect the operation of the equipment for longer. So, for now room business, with shielded cabinet is indispensable in the weight of the product.
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