Server rack in the socket and household socket

by:TNE     2020-11-05
Server rack in the socket and household socket distinction is what respect? Server rack socket is commonly used in computer room facilities, special cabinets outlet, it mainly is to protect the machine cabinets electronic device, and avoid the rack equipment damage caused by over-voltage and lightning induction.
general cabinets outlet with lightning, surge protection, more can impact resistance current or voltage size restrictions.
cabinets outlet with alarm and filter protection function. For the LED digital display with alarm function of the entire current monitoring. At the same time with fine filter protection, output hyperstatic pure power supply.
cabinets outlet has overload protection and protective ultra error function. Generally cabinets outlet can provide two levels of overload protection, can effectively prevent overload produced some of the problems. The PDU master switch ON/OFF grid belt protection, can prevent the accident shut down, at the same time provide alternative double way.
before using the network cabinets, we first need to measure the depth of the cabinet, to determine how should be inside the cabinet put equipment. So, choose deeper network cabinet, can put the two sets of equipment in back to back, to install more equipment. , of course, try to use network cabinet height is not the only consideration, the network also has a lot of places can use at the back of the cabinet. This is why to measure the depth of network cabinets. Using this way can load two rows of equipment in the network cabinets, a row from the front door of the cabinet loading and unloading, handling a different row from the back door.
cabinets should be adjustable vertical guide frame, can be in different depth of equipment, at the same time make the cabinets according to the depth of the equipment and maintain minimum depth. When calculating the finished rack space ( With 'U' or 1. 75 inches per unit) Later, consider the size of the room. It is a basic principle is: before the cabinet height between 20% and 30% for system expansion. These Spaces but also to improve the ventilation equipment. Equipped with stent devices do not need to consider the width, because it was designed according to the width of the cabinet. But for the server can't Ann stents and other peripherals, the width can't be ignored.
because the total weight of the equipment are often not light, so choose a can hold about 1500 pounds of cabinet, that is, to choose good mechanical structure, strong network cabinets. Inside the cabinet, decided to choose equipment weight sliding plane is a standard or aggravating, also decided to the choice of some other accessories.
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