Server rack for the future development

by:TNE     2020-09-10
Wiring plan focuses on information point number is mainly from the server rack. In the server rack, there are three kinds of server types are:
place standard server within the cabinet;
use the height of 1 u rack mount server fixed inside the cabinet;
after using a combination of more than 3 u blade server installed inside the cabinet;
server rack choice, should first consider is security. Cabinet size, then the server cabinet is place the desktop computer in the cabinet on the plate of the conventional computer cabinet size is large, so a cabinet can only be placed 4 ~ 6 servers, usually within the data center, the height of the cabinet are generally 42 u ( 2 meters) And a cabinet often can accommodate 17 racks of servers.
the future market, forecast is the blade will become mainstream, so the blade server rack, also will have a lot of demand.
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