Indispensable in the cabinet room system

by:TNE     2020-12-16
Racks in the machine room system, the general is only made of cold-rolled steel sheet or synthetic metal used to put some objects of network equipment, such as switches, servers or routers.
the classification of the cabinet there are also many, like material classification, classification of color, or material classification, and price are all have their own process step.
conventional sheet metal fabricated cabinets, advantage is the price advantage, but there are disadvantages have disadvantages, the disadvantage of sheet metal is that the bearing capacity is less, the ability to resist corrosion.
the aluminium profile? Aluminum is mainly has the advantage of strong resistance to deformation, the post corrosion resistance is also very good, but, just the price, the market price slightly higher.
but also have shortcomings, is simple frame, looks a bit loose, its carrying capacity created some inferior to sheet metal cabinet.
cabinet is superior to inferior, we cannot say inferior cabinet can't use, can only say that in the selection of plank, some different, will appear in the lifespan of the cabinet gap, as well as the cabinet of the bearing capacity, Beijing three preferred industry electronic technology co. , LTD. , but still want to remind you, buy cabinet still need to buy a formal manufacturers, quality assured of cabinet.
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