How about credentials for data cabinet of LONGTU?
NINGBO LONGTU NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has amounts of certifications as evidence that our company attaches great importance to quality and also that we've data cabinet assessed frequently by a third party. For us, the confidence provided by these certificates is twofold: to management and externally to parties. These certifications differentiate ourselves from other providers.
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Established in China many years ago, LONGTU has grown into a mature company with a broad product portfolio, including power distribution unit for server rack. LONGTU's Charging cart,charging cabinet series contains multiple sub-products. TNE soundproof cabinet is manufactured using high quality materials under the strict supervision of quality experts. The product is ideal for businesses that need more security for their servers and equipment. TNE has the most advanced machine to test the quality of wall mount cabinet before its loading. It has a lockable door and side panels for system security.
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TNE Charging cart Network Cabinet charge cart finds strength in diversity and inclusion. Check it!

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