Has Pdu Socket passed the QC test?
It is absolutely guaranteed that NINGBO LONGTU NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. Pdu Socket has passed the QC test before being shipped out of our factory. The QC process is defined by ISO 9000 as "A part of quality management focusing on fulfilling quality requirements". With the purpose of serving customers the best quality products, we have set up a QC team consisting of several professionals. They have mastered the necessary skills for performing the tests on products' reliability and durability and checking if the finished products conform to the environmental protection standard. If any product can't reach the requirement, then it will be recycled and re-delivered in the production cycle and won't be shipped until it meets the requirement.
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By the advantage of technology, LONGTU has gained high reviews for its network cabinet accessories. As one of LONGTU's multiple product series, waterproof network cabinet series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. In terms of design, Charging cart,charging cabinet extracts the essence of simplicity. The product has been tested and certified by CE, UL, and RoHS. LONGTU is one of biggest company to produce high quality power distribution unit. The product can be designed with cable entrance on the bottom and both sides, so as to allow for power supply.
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We desire to be a pioneer in the industry of industrial pdu. Get an offer!

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