Can LONGTU provide certificate of origin for Outdoor Cabinet ?
Since the day NINGBO LONGTU NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. began our export business, we have realized the importance of gaining a CO which is usually issued for goods that are being sold abroad as a permanent export. Our CO is granted by national Chambers of Commerce with legal sign and stamp on. This document is an important document used in global trade to confirm the country of origin where our goods have actually been manufactured or processed. With it, the import duties and tariffs can be reduced or eliminated in the country of import.
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LONGTU is rich in industry experience of manufacturing and selling pdu socket. LONGTU provides a wide range of Charging cart,charging cabinet for customers. LONGTU has managed to add a strong design attitude and a personality to outdoor cabinet manufacturers product development. It offers a safe and secure room for the devices. outdoor cabinet manufacturers get great attention for excellent properties such outdoor power cabinet. The product is compatible with various types of devices.
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Concentrating on the service quality is what each TNE staff has been doing. Contact us!

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